• "Mission Camp was an eye-opening experience and an answer to my prayer. In 2010, I received a heart for the nations but I felt so lonely without a body. At Mission Camp, I was connected with this amazing group of people who are awake to God's calling and his vision. I couldn't believe there were so many people who were excited to live and die for the nations. I now have a body that I can run with until Jesus comes back, and I will never be the same after Mission Camp."

    San Jose/ Young Adult

  • “This year at Mission Camp, the Lord opened my eyes to see the bigger picture. He gave me a true love for the nations. His love, and fire was poured upon each soul in the youth group. Mission Camp was truly a blessing sent straight from heaven.”

    Connecticut/ Youth

  • "Mission Camp is always such a blessing to attend. You get to see so many people from 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗦 𝗢𝗙 𝗡𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗛 𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗔 to stand in the gap on behalf of the lost. It gives me 𝗷𝗼𝘆 to see that there are still 𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗡𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗦 𝗜𝗡 𝗡𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗛 𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗔 that God will raise up to be his hands and feet that will share his love to the unreached!"

    Sacramento/ Adult

  • " I have been attending Mission Camp ALMOST EVERY YEAR, but through especially last year's Mission Camp God spoke to me about the FINAL REVIVAL that is near. He spoke to me about how fierce and vicious this warfare will be. However, as I looked around to see the Christians who gathered there representing MANY NATIONS, God gave me a heart and faith that this GLOBAL CHURCH will together prepare the last revival! We as individuals are weak, but when the North American churches come out to Mission Camp to receive the vision and commit together WE WILL SURELY BE VICTORIOUS!! Maranatha!!"

    Orange Country/ Young Adult

  • "Hi I'm Levicki and this is actually my first thing ever doing anything InterCP related. It has been really good experience. I come from Japanese church and the culture very different. So my expectation was really skewed when I come here. Because I had the wrong expectation I cannot fully worship. So I asked God Why can't I fully worship, Why can't I fully feel your presence? I think during the 2nd night during the worship when I rejected that in the name of Jesus that is when I was able to fully worship. I did not go to Vision School yet but my friends have. Through InterCP, hearing their testimony and seeing what God is doing... I never even thought about going to missions but I did have passion for missions as an elementary school but it slowly died away during middle school and high school. But during Mission Camp hearing the testimony from Mission Camp really inspired me to go out and preach the gospel whether it is my friends at my school or going out to nations. After this I want to go to vision school and go to Fo next year. Praise Jesus!"

    Portland/ Young Adult

  • "I think toward last worship, final night. I actually cried. It was crazy and that was intense. I actually never cried during worship so through this mission camp there is a deeper meaning behind this and God is touching my heart. More importantly, after this I really want to start reading the New Testament over and over again. During one of the pastor sermon, he read the New Testament one time and he met Jesus. I always tried and I always tried to escalate the mountain of becoming holy but I think this time I am going to baby steps. I really want to keep this momentum going and through reading the New Testament, over and over again maybe I can meet Jesus too."

    Seattle/ Adult

  • "Wheaton College, Chicago was truly a huge blessing. I served as a small group leader for the kids generation, and my heart for this generation grew into an indescribable love. I had a great small group, and i made new friends that have been with me ever since mission camp ended in July. My heart for the nation of Turkey grew even bigger, and i made a commitment to serve in this nation as an SM in my college years. After mission camp, my perspective for my friends changed. My heart broke for my non-Christian friends, and I started serving more faithfully at my church. Honestly, i was scared to worship like I do in InterCP at church, because of what i thought other people would think of me. After this experience, i worship as loud and as enthusiastically as i want because i know that there is a great reward up in heaven for me. Our God is a great God that can do anything as he pleases, and I strongly encourage you to come to this year's mission camp at Wheaton College again."

    Orange County/Kids

  • "The confessions I made was to always trust him during the end times. God changed my thinking by telling me that I am never alone and how God cares for EVERYONE and ALL THE NATIONS!! I received the grace of God and he made me know he loves us all through Mission Camp. I committed myself to preach the gospel to all nations and even to my school. God's grace allowed me to have a heart for all nations during these 4 nights of mission camp!"

    South Bay/Kids

  • "I was most touched by the fellowship I encountered at Mission Camp. It was like a family reunion, but with 2,000 relatives worshipping Jesus together! I met people I had never seen before, but we talked like we already knew each other our whole lives, because of one thing: we had a common vision, the vision of our Savior, which is to see nations receiving life through the gospel. And to hear about the magnitude of revival happening RIGHT NOW, in so many nations around the world, from speakers who've seen it with their own eyes, was a blessing beyond what words can describe."

    Philadelphia/ Adult

  • "Hi my name is Grace. Last year was my first year at Mission Camp. I heard about it from a guy name Riki from our church. He shared about Mission Camp and asked, 'Do you want to go?' So I said, 'Why not?' I did not know what to really expect, but on the first day, it was amazing how many people are praying and God showed me the power of prayer and he made me grow in that a lot during this camp. I started to intercede for my family who does not believe and my friends. Then, God told me that it is important for me to pray for the nations. God gave me a country to pray and that country is Turkey. I want to continue to pray for them and never forget them because they need Jesus."


  • "Before I went to Mission Camp, i had just graduated from Vision School (8-week mission training program), and didn't really understand what it was. I was complacent with my faith, and wasn't sure where God was leading me. At Mission Camp, everything changed. It was at Mission Camp God restored my heart for worship, showed me the power of prayer and gave me a love for the nations. I wanted to be part of God's history, and the movement of the gospel to all nations!"

    DC Maryland/Young Adult

  • "I realized that a true Christian does not do the work of God to receive praises from men but only for the holy one. Through this Mission Camp, I saw how strong the children generation is and why our Father chose us to fulfill his Great Commission which gave me the courage to use my lips to preach the Gospel. Though it is very hard to let go of my comfortable and worldly life, I tried to quit my sinful lifestyle so that I can focus on God and live a new life with Jesus."


  • "The nation churches are rising up and if we don't rise up ourselves, we will lose our calling and lose our blessing that God has given to the North American church. For me I doubted God that he will bring revival to North America restoration in churches and restoration in youth. As i see our youth generation, I have asked, "Lord, are these really the last people that you will use to make history? Are we the people you have truly called to see the revival in all generation?" But listening to all the testimonies at Mission Camp, I can truly confidentially say we will see the revival in North America in our schools, in our churches and in our generation. We will truly see the kingdom of God come upon North America and we will go out to the nations together. Let us really hope for revival of all nations and let us truly uphold the revival of North America. Let us truly pray for this."


  • "Before last year, I went to Mission Camp to meet my friends, not God. I put friends first and God second, and I didn't really care if I met God or not. I also didn't care about worshipping. But last summer when I went to Mission Camp, my heart changed. I wanted to meet God through Jesus. I wanted to worship. I wanted to go to the nations and now I want to live for God!!"


  • "Mission Camp 2016 changed my life. Through Mission Camp, God revealed his vision that I had been missing for years, that the gospel must be preached as a testimony to al nations for the end to come, for Jesus to come back! It wasn't about my heart for the unreached, it was about God's heart and Jesus' second coming! Realizing this changed my life, and convicted me to run this race more fervently and finish this task in our generation, ultimately to see Jesus come back and the kingdom of God come on this earth! Maranatha!"


  • "Mission Camp has always been a time of great joy for me and where God poured out great grace upon my life, and I am even more excited for this year’s Mission Camp. I truly desire that my life would be one that is awake by worship and the Word and that I would be able to have discernment in these End Times. Through Mission Camp, God has restored my spirit and filled me to be overflowing with grace to be able to run for His Vision. Although nothing of this world can give me joy, I was able to filled with joy by thinking of the vision of God. Through Mission Camp, God gave me this heart. There is no joy that can compare to seeing all generations gathering together to praise and worship the Father. When we obey, God makes history!"

    Tacoma/Young Adult

  • "Last year, it was my first time going to Mission Camp. I was so grateful that I was able to go. God touched my heart so much. With God's help, I definitely want to go to Vision School (mission training program) and I want to start UBTJ (mission movement for youth) at my school. I want to go to the nations. I just want to share my love and passion of God with others and go make disciples of all nations for him."


  • "As more and more people shared their testimonies at Mission Camp, it showed me how God is working in North America and how God is really touching the hearts of other youth in North America. I went to Mission Camp in 2014 and 2015, and last year, I was very excited to go again. I ask God to give me a verse to really think about and meditate on. He gave me 1 Peter 4:2 and told me to no longer live for human passions but for the will of God. Mission camp is not about us. It is about the glory of God."

    New York/Youth